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Welcome to the SpokenGarden Podcast Page!  SpokenGarden is a podcast to help the garden DIY'er. Check out our page, listen to our episodes, and send us email or feedback on topics or ideas.  Thanks!

Mar 30, 2020

Mulching anytime of year is very important for so many reasons, but in the Spring it's important because this is a great time to replenish your garden soil with nutrients, to keep improving your soils structure, and to keep any weed seeds from germinating. 

Listen to hear Allison and my spring mulching reminders for...

Mar 29, 2020

We're excited for you to hear our interview with Jeff and Laurie Gordon, from Daisy Rain Garden System! They invented and are offering their unique container watering system to home owners who want a set-it and forget-it watering system that is out of sight and simplifies container watering all spring and summer. Let...

Mar 27, 2020

What if we told you that whatever plants you want to buy at the store to bring home could work for whatever you wanted them for, IF YOU PLAN and get organized BEFORE you go to the store to buy any plants? 

Well, today we go over simple ways to help you design your next garden project and also tell you about the...

Anemone Care: A Mini Plant Profile - DIY GM Ep. 137

Mar 23, 2020

Anemone are beautiful early spring to early summer flowering plant that can help you welcome the spring season! There are amazingly bright colors to choose from and here is quick information to help you care best for your Anemone starting this spring. 

Go to for more info, episode player, links,...

Mar 23, 2020

Anemone are beautiful early spring to early summer flowering plant that can help you welcome the spring season! There are amazingly bright colors to choose from and here is quick information to help you care best for your Anemone starting this spring. 

Go to for more info, episode player, links,...