Jul 27, 2020
Today, I want to tell you the difference between a plant cultivar and a plant variety.
Knowing the difference can help when writing or talking about a specific plant to other gardeners. It also tells a behind the scenes story of that plants origin.
Listen to know the difference between a cultivar and variety.
Jul 20, 2020
Today, I want to tell you what deep watering is and why it's important for you to know.
Listen to learn what deep watering is, and when and how to apply it in your garden.
Go to spokengarden.com/154 for examples of deep watering schedules and see what watering tools we recommend you use to deep water your...
Jul 13, 2020
Today, I want to tell you how to create a happy flower container that will last all summer.
Containers full of flowering plants can liven up your garden and outdoor spaces, but how do you keep them healthy and happy during the summer months? It all starts with planning.
Listen to learn more to keep your container...
Jul 6, 2020
Today, I want to tell you our 5 great reasons why you should stake your flower and plants.
It's that time of year where our plants are growing up and those flower stems are getting really top-heavy with bright and large flowers. But those flowers can start to droop or even fall completely over.
Listen to hear our 5...