Oct 28, 2019
Today's topic is fall mulching do's and don'ts.
Fall, like most other times of year, is a great time to spread mulch around your garden and yard!
Listen to learn what to do and not to do when mulching.
Find other one-minute topics at spokengarden.com/podcast
Oct 25, 2019
Today's topic is Dianthus Care– A Mini Plant Profile.
Dianthus is a versatile and long flowering plant in most gardens! It garden care is minimal gives a splash of color wherever you place it in your garden. Here are some care tips for Dianthus.
Oct 22, 2019
Chrysanthemums or Mums are a beautiful garden plant, especially in the fall! It is very easy to care for and can give your garden lots of fast pops of color and vibrancy.
Listen to learn more.
Find other one-minute topics at spokengarden.com/podcast
Oct 16, 2019
On today's episode, you are going to learn about drought tolerant plants and how they can be incorporated into your landscape to be more sustainable, and much, much more! Allison and I interviewed Janda from EnviroHouse in late Summer earlier this year where we talked about drought tolerant plants along with examples of...
Oct 11, 2019
Fall is the best time to plant spring flowering bulbs, such as Daffodil's, Tulips, Allium, and many more, but what what tools should you use to plant these in your yard and garden?
Don't worry, we have you covered! Our bulb planting tool list: