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Welcome to the SpokenGarden Podcast Page!  SpokenGarden is a podcast to help the garden DIY'er. Check out our page, listen to our episodes, and send us email or feedback on topics or ideas.  Thanks!

Apr 27, 2018

What is a Garden Pest? What pests do you have in your garden?  Can pests damage my plants, why should I care, what should I look for, and how can I prevent different pests in my garden?  Today on Episode 17, I answer these questions and help you understand principals on pest prevention in your garden!  By the end of...

Apr 22, 2018

So, What's Earthday? Does it affect me?  Can I actually make a difference in my own local environment?  Today on Bonus Episode 2, I talk about Earth Day, what it means to me, and how you can make a positive impact in your own life by trying to make Earth Day Every Day!

Apr 6, 2018

Do you have any landscape projects this spring?  Are you looking for a way to develop and create a plan? How do you pick plants and other materials for your project?  Today on Episode 16, I help you answer these questions by walking you through our personal newest home landscape curb appeal project.  This will give you