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Welcome to the SpokenGarden Podcast Page!  SpokenGarden is a podcast to help the garden DIY'er. Check out our page, listen to our episodes, and send us email or feedback on topics or ideas.  Thanks!

Sep 30, 2019

Today's topic are quick tips for adding flowering bulbs to your garden!   

Flowering bulbs, like Dafoddils, Tulips, Calla Lilies, Allium, and many others, add colors, textures, and warmth to your garden, but what are some quick tips for using flowering bulbs in your garden? 

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Sep 28, 2019

On to today's topic, 3 common bulb planting misconceptions. 

Many people plant bulbs in their garden every year and they bring such beauty and warmth to our yards. With fall bulb planting season upon us, here are 3 popular bulb planting misconceptions to look out for.

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Sep 23, 2019

On to today's topic, what are different uses for bulbs? 

Bulbs can add so much color and texture to your garden, but did you know they have other uses too? Maybe you already have heard or used them these other ways, but here are different uses for bulbs other than looking pretty in your yard.

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Sep 22, 2019

On today's episode, we continue to talk about drought tolerance as it relates to making your yard and landscape more water efficient. With our six ideas today, you will hear how simple these can be to implement and change in your garden, along with each's benefits. Listen to Episode 37 for what drought-tolerance is and...

Sep 18, 2019

On to today's topic, what are the different types of Iris?   

Iris is made up of over 200 different species that all vary in their flower color, shape, and garden needs. But do you know the different types of bulbs you can plant in your garden?  

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