Dec 7, 2021
Hey There! It's been a while and we wanted to let you know what we have been up to lately. We feel bad for not putting out a LIVE podcast in a while and we hope you all are doing well and staying safe. Catch up with us and hear 11/20's LIVE episode with the usual Q & A and especially the usual suspects in our LIVE...
Mar 23, 2021
Listen to learn what peat pots are, which plants to grow in them, and what other circumstances you can use them around your garden!
To see examples of peat pots and how to plant in them, go to and watch our YouTube Video #Short.
You can find out more about how plants grow, what they need and...
Mar 9, 2020
Cold Hardiness might make you think of winter, low temperatures, ice, snow, plant damage, or general plant health, amongst other things. But what does it actually mean?
Listen to find out!
Good plant reference books to find specific plant hardiness: the American Horticultural Society or Royal Horticultural...