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Welcome to the SpokenGarden Podcast Page!  SpokenGarden is a podcast to help the garden DIY'er. Check out our page, listen to our episodes, and send us email or feedback on topics or ideas.  Thanks!

Apr 11, 2023

On this episode, find out 3 ways you can check if any of your bulbs are alive and their viability to flower before you plant them

These 3 simple ways to check your bulbs viabilty are a must or you could be wasting your time and money. Listen and find out how to check your bulbs!

If you want to see more of Allison and I...

Apr 4, 2023

On this episode, find out which 5 New flowering bulbs you can plant this spring to add to your garden.

These 5 new spring planted, summer flowering bulbs area available at Eden, and American These 5 bulbs were a part of our 12 new summer flowering bulbs that we shared in our weekly email...