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Welcome to the SpokenGarden Podcast Page!  SpokenGarden is a podcast to help the garden DIY'er. Check out our page, listen to our episodes, and send us email or feedback on topics or ideas.  Thanks!

Oct 26, 2018

This is the DIY Garden Minute by Spoken Garden!  "Teaching you tips and tricks for your Garden in one minute!"   

Find more one-minute topics at  

Today's topic is Fall Perennial Seed Sowing! 

Seed sowing is no different than seed planting.  When planting seeds, you generally need three things..... 

Sowing seeds in the fall vs sowing in the spring is no different except for ...

For the Pacific Northwest climate: 

Two examples of perennials you can sow directly into your garden in the fall are... 

Two examples of perennials you can sow directly into your garden in the early spring are... 

We have an exclusive listener offer with EdenBrothers Seed Company where you can click on the link in the show notes or on this episodes webpage for Free Shipping on any and all orders of $79 or more. 

You can find other one-minute topics on our podcast page at 

Also, Find us on Instagram or Pinterest under @SpokenGarden (all one word) to follow or leave us a comment. 

 "See ya in the Garden!"