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Welcome to the SpokenGarden Podcast Page!  SpokenGarden is a podcast to help the garden DIY'er. Check out our page, listen to our episodes, and send us email or feedback on topics or ideas.  Thanks!

Aug 31, 2020

Today, I want to tell you 8 great companion plants to plant this fall around your Black-eyed Susans.   

Listen to hear 8 great companion plants that have similar care needs that you can plant next to your Black-eyed Susans this fall.

Go to for this list and also for great annual companion...

Aug 27, 2020

On today's episode we talk to you about 6 different ways your garden is positively impacting your life. You'll also hear about our New Book (officially announcing!) and our YouTube channel where we have been video-logging our days under quarantine in our garden.

Time Stamps:

  • 2:00 - book announcement and video...

Aug 24, 2020

Today, I want to talk to you about caring for your Black-eyed Susan plants. 

Black-eyed Susans are a wonderful mid-summer to early fall blooming plant with various colors to choose from to brighten up your garden! It's one of the easier plants to care for.

Listen to hear our quick care tips to help them thrive in...

Aug 17, 2020

Today, I want to tell you the difference between loppers and hedge shears. 

Fall season is right around the corner and it's a good time to prune your herbaceous perennial plants. Some plants will need to be pruned by single cuts with manual loppers and other plants you will need to use manual hedge shears. 

Listen to...

Aug 10, 2020

Today, I want to tell you about 5 flower staking mistakes to avoid this summer .  

It's summer and your flowers are opening up all over your yard. And you just realized you need to stake them, so here are 5 flower staking mistakes to avoid this summer.

Listen to learn more!

Go to to read this...